Want to Discover The Secret to 7 X YOUR Media Domination? Experience the Power of the Agora Press Release!

A Press Release is one of the most powerful and affordable ways to get newsworthy information about your company, products, and services out to millions of potential online customers while beating your competition

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Using The Agora Press Release will expose your business, products and services to over 281+ Million people shopping online


1. Press Releases create brand awareness & improve your image


2. Your company, products, and services will be exposed to a larger online audience


3. You will build credibility with your potential customers when they see your company found on popular news sites


4. Your press releases will establish your company or yourself as an authority in your industry


5. Your newsworthy articles will differentiate your company from your competition


6. Your press releases will increase traffic to your website through instant worldwide distribution


7. All news outlets where your article is published will boost your website's Search Engine Optimization (SEO)


8. Your press releases can increase potential sales through media exposure


9. Use Popular News Channels Logos to say AS SEEN ON, to build credibility of your website and marketing materials

10. The internet will be flooded with hundreds of articles, all pointing back to your company

Every Business Needs to publish Press Releases on a regular basis to increase their online presence and build credibility

Hyper-Targeted Traffic

Our campaigns allow your business to focus on a specific product, service, city or place to bring you the most hyper- targeted traffic.

Multimedia Formats

We are 7x more powerful than any online Press Release. Our campaigns include each of the following: article, blog, video, presentation, audio ad and info-graphic.

Get Published

Your customers are researching you, but will they find anything? We tell the world about you in 7 formats across hundreds of websites they already trust.

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Prices Can Go Up At Anytime

The Agora Press Release is 7 X's more powerful than normal press releases, because we publish your news article on not 1, not 2, but 7 different internet channels

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Unleash the Power of the Agora Press Release Today!

These are limited time pricing

Press Releases normally cost between $1,500 to $3,000 or more

Buy Now & Lock-In Your Monthly Price For Life

Prices Can Go Up At Anytime


One-Time Press Release

This Plan is perfect for those who have a one time event or you just want to try the Agora Press Release to see what it can do


Monthly Press Release

This Plan is designed to overpower & dominate the internet through the publishing of multiple Press Releases all year long

Do you love it when your competition is found before you on Google searches?

Reach A Larger Audience

According to a recent study conducted by Content Marketing Institute, 81% of businesses built their credibility through their content marketing.

Hyper-Targeted Press Releases can boost your online presence in ways no other marketing campaign can.

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Marketing Strategy For A Beauty Salon in Seattle: Content Plan Drives 31% Increase in Organic Traffic

Significant Increase In Website Traffic With A 31% Growth

In just three months after starting our campaigns on December 5, 2022, we saw a 31% growth in website visitors.

The Success of a a luxury beauty industry client based in Seattle

How It Works


Submit your Idea / Message for a News Article


We write the article and send back for approval


We Publish Your Article to 7 News Channels


Your Article Is Broadcasted All Over the Internet


Email Sent with links of the Press Release success

Amazing Experiences

Don't take our word for it, see what others have said about AGORA PRESS RELEASE

"My phone has not stop ringing cause you know people didn’t take me seriously having just a website. Establishing an online presence changed my business and bottom line."

Aaron W.


"The platform works as intended. It’s massive exposure. Does exactly what it says it’s going to do. That’s helped out all the businesses that I have worked with. It’s cool, it’s a phenomenal program and great investment"

Philip W.


"High quality leads for a luxury/ design build business. We doubled our annual revenue (an additional six figures). We receive lots of traffic from searches in Google and got over 340,000 views in 3 month period."

Edward E.


30 Reasons Why You Should Do A Press Release

Almost anything can be turned into a news story, you just have to find the hook

  • Launching a New Product

  • Hosting a Webinar

  • Launching a New Website

  • Opening a new business

  •  Announcing a product update

  • Rebranding your company name  

  • Receiving an award  

  • Promoting an upcoming event 

  • Fundraising

  • Change in Leadership

  • Announcing a New Partnership

  • Relocating

  • Changing a Product Name

  • Supporting a Non-Profit

  • Announcing company Expansion

  • Offering a Free Training

  • Restructuring Your Business

  • Announcing Contest Results

  • Announcing a Contest

  • Celebrating a Company Anniversary

  • Announcing a New Service

  • Publishing Tips

  • Participating in an Event

  • Opening a New Business

  • Announcing a Product

  • Receiving a Certification

  • Sharing Monthly Sales

  • Announcing an Acquisition

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Prices Can Go Up At Anytime

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Agora Press Release work?

We create consistent ultra-specific content about your business that is distributed to hundreds of websites and platforms in 6 different media formats: news articles, blog posts, audio ads, slideshow presentations, videos, and infographics. This content attracts hyper-targeted traffic to your business by building authority and online exposure.

How long is the turnaround time for a Press Release?

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How long until I see results?

You’ll see results within 24-48 hours of your Press Release campaign going live - but to get to brand domination requires consistent campaigns stacked up over time.

Does this work for any business?

It will work slightly differently for businesses in different industries, but yes! You can promote almost any brand/product/service with this solution.

Can I use this across different businesses?

Absolutely - you have complete control over which brands/businesses you promote.

Can we pick where the content is placed?

We do not support distribution to specific sites - this is out of our control due to the various syndication services we work with and is normal for other similar distribution companies (even if they promise to focus on a specific location). Each campaign is a little different and the exact number of sites varies and isn't particularly important. It's typically the top 20 sites that provide 80% of the benefit.

Dou you love it when your competition beats you out online?

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